Posted By Dr. Anuranjan Bist
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Wondering if you might be in a state of depression? Although it is normal to feel sad every now or then, constant feelings of despair, sadness, and lack of interest in life may indicate that you are suffering from depression.
Depression is one of the most common disorders that affect an individual mentally. Today, many people across the globe suffer from this mental condition. Like some other mood disorders, depression can have a range of severity that varies from person to person. Although some people experience varying symptoms, others face periods of mild depression.
Signs of Depression
Given below are some common signs of depression that you need to know before consulting a depression doctor in Delhi:
Physical Signs
Many physical signs of depression may make a person feel drained out and exhausted.
These signs include:
1. Changes in Appetite and Weight: Some people may lose weight and start feeling less hungry when in depression. On the other hand, some people start eating excessively and tend to gain more weight in depression. Plus, they feel less energetic all the time.
2. Fatigue and Sleep Issues: Some people find it difficult to fall asleep during the depression while some start sleeping too much. They generally have low energy and feel fatigued commonly.
3. Aches or Pains: Depressed people usually feel severe pain and also have lower pain tolerance. Some individuals also feel aching muscles or back.
4. Speaking of Moving more Slowly than Usual: Another sign of depression is when people start feeling “slowed down” in their movements and minds.
5. Changes in the Menstrual Cycle: Depression may even change certain hormonal levels in the reproductive system. So, it may stop or delay ovulation, which means a late or no period.
Psychological Signs
Here are some psychological signs that people commonly feel during depression:
1. Feeling of Hopelessness: People start feeling hopeless in most situations in life and this feeling doesn’t seem to go away.
2. Sadness and Low Mood: Depressed individuals start feeling low, sad, and less enthusiastic without any reason.
3. Low self-esteem: They feel worthless and start criticizing themselves for no reason.
4. Loss of Interest or Motivation: It is also common in people to lose interest in things that they used to enjoy. For instance, they don’t feel like doing their favorite pastimes and hobbies.
5. Feeling Guilt, Tearful or Irritable: All these symptoms also vary from individual to individual but can be quite upsetting and frustrating.
6. Anxiety: Feelings of panic and dread, as well as the constant running of thoughts in their mind.
7. Difficulty in Making Decisions: It also accompanies trouble concentrating, focusing, and remembering things.
8. Thoughts of Self-harm: During depression, some people even experience thoughts of self-harm or suicide.
All these signs indicate that an individual needs immediate mental care and must talk to someone about their condition. Hence, they could get the required help in this situation.
Causes of Depression
Here are Some Common Causes of Depression:
1. Hormone Levels:
Females experience hormonal changes (progesterone and estrogen) from time to time, such as during the menstrual cycle, perimenopause, postpartum period, or menopause. All these phases can increase the risk of depression if not treated on time.
2. Brain Chemistry:
Sometimes there’s a chemical imbalance in various parts of the brain that often manage sleep, mood, thoughts, appetite, and behavior of people with depression.
3. Early Childhood Trauma:
Some events may impact how your body reacts to fear and various stressful incidents.
4. Family History:
If you have depression or any other mood disorder-related family history, you are at higher risk of suffering from depression.
5. Substance Use
An individual who often misuses any substance or alcohol is at higher risk.
6. Brain Structure:
If someone’s frontal brain lobe is less active, they have a higher risk for depression. However, researchers are not sure whether it happens after or before depression onset.
7. Pain:
People may feel chronic physical pain or emotional pain for a longer duration during the depression.
8. Medical Conditions:
Some medical conditions like Parkinson’s disease, stroke, insomnia, etc. can also put patients at a higher risk of depression.
Get Help!
If you or someone close has such depression signs, seek medical help immediately. It’s vital to get professional medical advice before beginning Depression Treatment.
Also, Visit here: Important Things Psychiatrists Want You to Know About Depression
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